Two Poems

Walrus ManifestoArise ye brokers of mackerel,slickers of the silver footed jack, the nostrils gulp aquifersyou know, glacial consummates.Spirit your works even to the lounge,lay heavy upon the inert,be one with the ground,spirit of what bears,buoyed by contingents,contaminant,flowers of ice.We are not insulated from the debrisFloating to your meeting points Fruits ManifestoHanging is a placement arounda seeming to behave such as bees and offeringshanging is the continuedvoice that makes for suitsfor successes and the dead So this sound is full of fluids.It will teach me to drain,to ebb from strength as walls surround a space,as fruit suspends until it is necessary.You can ask, but there is no string to keep straightby itself except the hookand the empty shoulder which is surroundedby a heavy changeI hide there, fruit, condensed.____Jay Snodgrass is the author of Monster Zero, poems about Godzilla. His poems have appeared in Versal and Descant. He lives in Florida but hopes that is not a chronic situation. He also writes graphical poems which can be found scattered across the internet.