/Tell us a story to erase the debtwe ran up the flagpole when no-onewas looking. When the little sparrowsdid their high-wire dance,we applauded from the safetyof our bunkers. So sing to us,now that the rain drops heavy,the colour of lead, sing.Do your hootchie-kootchie, yourSally Roll’em, that wiggle in your eyes.It’s the echo of the cosmos breakingdown. Show us a prettyto take our minds off all that.Call us your shimmy-shammy darlings,dandle us over your big-sea-waters,your glitchy-gloomy shores.Let’s play pretend. You bethe daddy. Simon says “Roll over.”Simon says “Vote for me.” Simon says“Sit up.” Play dead.____Luther Jett is a native of Montgomery County, Maryland. His poetry has been published in numerous journals, including The GW Review, ABRAXAS, Beltway, Innisfree, and Main Street Rag.His poetry performance piece, "Flying to America", debuted at the 2009 Capital Fringe Festival in Washington D.C. He was also a winner in the 2011 Moving Words Poetry competition in Arlington, VA. Most recently, Luther was a featured reader at the Nora School's winter series, and for the Georgetown Library series.