Divinity through the Ages

 What would you do with unlimited power?Deny humanity fire. Gift them deathin a woman’s curves. Demand your fave kill their childto honor your name. Destroy a town with fire. Destroythe world with water. Promise it won’t happen again—next time it’ll be war, pestilence, famine, and death.Enslave a people. Actually? Enslave a lot of people(s).Start wars. Sink a city. Destroy the opposition.If that doesn’t work, chain them to a rockand send eagles to devour their organs. Impregnatea 13-year-old girl with a son you’ll publicly torture to death.Give birth to an eight-legged horse. Find one person, onewho might love you best of anyone in the world, andmethodically rob them of everything to see if their lovegoes deep enough for your liking. Murder everyone.____Michelle Vider is based in Philadelphia. Her work has appeared in The Toast, The Rumpus, Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet, Atlas and Alice, and elsewhere. Find her at michellevider.com
