Small in the Distance
‘I have this new world inside of me’is the idea that sprung to mind and soI leapt at it, deer-posed, as if overa wire fence. If it ran very farover a field of dried brownish stuffit might grow small in the distance,off into the horizon slit. If I saddlesome beast and ride further, some palehappiness might be found in a farawayforest. But, it’s not meant to be. Youcan tell by the robes on the shoulders.Also, the dress as it folds off her neckand arms is really beautiful (dependingon your sense of beauty) but it’s notan opening to another dimension.Obviously, how new dimensions formis a matter of some of dispute, butsomething more obvious bothers me.How can I be a better person and howcan this new world grow if the windnever howls all angular at the trees?Careful, you want to say, but you don’tsay careful. You don’t say anythingbecause you’re being careful.____Peter Davis' most recent book of poems is TINA. His poems have recently been published in Powder Keg, The Awl and Sixth Finch. He writes and makes music in Muncie, Indiana. Find more information at